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Monday, January 1, 2018

2017 Wrap-Up Post

Remember last year when I said 2016 was awful?

Thanks for taking that as a challenge, 2017!

Let's talk about blogging and books. I blogged almost 3 times as much in 2017 than I did in 2016, and I definitely got a post every month. I would like to keep on weekly blogging if possible over the next year, with a monthly post at the bare minimum.

I would also very much like to repeat Queer Summer Reading again this year, and I have a feeling Luci feels the same.

I read 113 books this year. I completed almost the entire year long challenge I did, and I fully completed my bingo card, which I had a lot of fun with, and I'm going to talk about in a post very shortly. And that... was a lot of books. Where did I make that pie chart before?

Check out my goodreads year in books because it's fun, and of course I made another pie chart.

 And to compare the last two years:

Click to see them larger. I don't want them to take over my whole post. YA was solidly half of what I read, with a lot of MG, but I did read some other stuff, too. I'm happy about that.

Now, how about some goals? I actually want to read less this year. 113 books in a year is only about two books a week, but it also means writing up a blog post about every book I read, in one way or another. It's a lot. I still want to read a lot this year, but I want to focus on writing a little more. I've got a book to finish drafting, and another to edit, and I haven't done that as much this year.

I think I'm going to continue to do a monthly diverse reading challenge, and I'm going to sign up for Platypire's 2018 Diversity Challenge. One book a month is very manageable, and a good reminder to not slack on deliberately reading diversely. I think I am also going to sign up for the 2018 Beat the Backlist challenge. The books I own have been severely neglected this year, and I want to tackle that. My shelves can't fit anything more and I have bags of books to put away because I am terrible and can't resist a book sale.

And as usual, I'm going to set a goodreads goal, which is going to be 65 this year, I believe. Again, I don't want to go overboard. And I'm probably going to do the 50 book pledge again, since that just fits in with my other challenges/general goal.

Okay. I think I got everything there. That was my year in books and blogging and everything, and my plans for next year.

Here's some fireworks, because it's -40 and if we even had any, I certainly wasn't going outside to see them.

Happy New Year. Let's all hope 2018 treats us better than 2017 did.

Good luck, my peeps, my scouts, my everything I've called you. Find peace in the new year, if you can. I love you all so much.

Thanks for reading this year.

Peace and cookies,

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